Visual Search for Magento

The future of Visual Search on your store today

Visual Search & CreatiSearch brings creativity to your website. You can try it in your Magento store now!

Search by Photo:

Visitors can take a picture of the product they are looking for. The picture is compared to the images in the catalog and the most similar products will be shown immediately!

Search by Sketch:

Visitors can draw the shape of the product they are looking for. The sketch is compared to images in the catalog and the products with similar shape will be shown instantly! Kids love it!

Search by Hashtag:

Turn your social media presence into a source of revenue! Your followers can search products in your catalog directly from social media by posting photos or sending messages. Integrations with Facebook, Twitter and Messenger are available.


Access to advanced reports to see what, where and when your visitors are looking for products and anticipate trends. You can literally see what your visitors are searching in your store!

Do you use another e-commerce platform?


We are currently working on extensions for Shopify and WooCommerce. You can be part of our pre-release testers!


600 California Street, 11 Floor.
San Francisco, CA. 94108.