e-Commerce Labs
How can I collaborate?

If you are an online store you can collaborate on a research project in many ways.
You can propose new problems that you and other stores have. You’ll need to explain to us the problem and how you currently address it. We look for common (and relevant!) unsolved or partially solved problems in different industries.
You can also be an early adopter of the technology we are researching. We can use your store as a study case and you will be the first to test (and benefit from!) the outcomes of the research.

If you are a researcher, you probably know that working on real problems and real-world data is a key aspect when creating high-impact solutions.
At Impresee we like to create teams and solve common problems for eCommerce. We like to research new ideas, test them on real data, and publish them at conferences.
We think the best research projects can have a high impact in academia and industry at the same time!

If you are a researcher, you probably know that working on real problems and real-world data is a key aspect when creating high-impact solutions.
At Impresee we like to create teams and solve common problems for eCommerce. We like to research new ideas, test them on real data, and publish them at conferences.
We think the best research projects can have a high impact in academia and industry at the same time!

If you are a student, you can be part of the challenge and thrill of researching new technology that will rule the future.
By working on a research project you will learn about new technology and how to adapt it to solve real-world problems.
You will also work with top researchers and companies, which will be beneficial for your future, either in academia on in the industry.
We usually receive interns and graduate students.